
이우환 화백, Isamu Noguchi 상 수상

페이지 정보

작성자 상록수갤러리
댓글 0건 조회 42회 작성일 24-11-28 17:17


The Isamu Noguchi Award

Established in 2014 and presented annually, the Isamu Noguchi Award acknowledges highly accomplished individuals who share Noguchi’s spirit of innovation, unbounded imagination, and uncompromising commitment to creativity. The Award celebrates individuals from around the world, across various disciplines, whose works demonstrate the highest level of artistic integrity marked by fearless experimentation and a preoccupation with cross-cultural dialogue and exchange. Honoring creatives whose work exhibits qualities of artistic excellence that are shared with Noguchi, the Award also recognizes work that carries significant social consciousness and function.


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Total 33건 1 페이지
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